Mission Statement
The mission of the University of Iowa Purchasing Department is to obtain quality goods and services at the lowest reasonable cost, while operating at the highest standards of ethical conduct. We accomplish this through cooperative team interaction and continuous quality improvement in support of the overall goals of Finance and Operations. Purchasing's authority is delegated from the Board of Regents through the President of the University in accordance with the statutes and administrative rules of the State of Iowa and the procedures of the Board of Regents.
October, 2022 - Please help us in congratulating Chandra Wojno on becoming the Iowa Public Procurement Association’s (IPPA) Vice President last week! She will now serve as VP, next will be President and will close serving as Past President in the upcoming years.
The IPPA (Iowa Public Procurement Association’s) was chartered on November 19, 2008 and is the 76th chapter of the Institute for Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) and is a non-profit organization comprised of public sector purchasing professionals throughout Iowa. It provides a great network and collaboration of ideas throughout the state.

Green Purchasing

Going "green" is the wave of the future. With our state budget cuts, it makes good financial sense. Green Purchasing doesn't always mean being environmental, it means being responsible and a great way to save University money...more
Purchasing can save you money...more

Federal Uniform Guidance Procurement Standards
The University of Iowa implemented Uniform Guidance Procurement Standards effective July 1, 2018. As part of the implementation, the University has been authorized by the cognizant Federal agency to retain a micro-purchase threshold at $50,000 which is in accordance to the Iowa's Administrative Code 11-117.3(2).