Purchasing Agent - Tiara Phillips, 319 467 1233
Category Code - 99992003 - Scientific, Laboratory and Hospital Maintenance and Repair
Specialty Underwriters LLC
Vendor Number | 0000373306 |
Sales Representative | Ty Demuth |
TDemuth@su-group.com | |
Phone Number | P: (800) 558-9910, Ext. 2773 |
Contract # | 23730 & State RFB0222005069 |
Term of Contract | 07/01/2022 through 06/30/2025 with 3 optional one-year renewals |
Contract Pricing/Agreement Description | 12–35% discount depending on equipment category |
Vendor Number | 0000734341 |
Sales Representative | Alya Alnassiry |
Alya.Alnassiry@theremigroup.com | |
Phone Number | Direct: 916-226-1132 | Mobile: 916-247-7054 | Fax: 704-887-2916 |
Contract # | 23729 & State RFB0222005069 |
Term of Contract | 07/01/2022 through 06/30/2025 with 3 optional one-year renewals |
Contract Pricing/Agreement Description | 20–32% discount depending on equipment category |
Electronic Risk Consultants
Vendor Number | 0001043572 |
Sales Representative | Sharon Rottner |
srottner@erc-corp.com | |
Phone Number | Phone: (908) 823-0960 |
Contract # | 23929 & State RFB0222005069 |
Term of Contract | 07/01/2022 through 06/30/2025 with 3 optional one-year renewals |
Contract Pricing/Agreement Description | 16–38% discount depending on equipment category |