Purchasing Agent - Andy Lane 319-335-1207
Category Code - 44101501 (Photocopiers), 99991003 (Lease Copiers) 43212105 (Laser printers), 99992001 (Copier maintenance and repair)
Cost Per Copy (Copier Lease Program)
The cost per copy/copier lease program is a result of Request for Proposal 14996. Users who select this program will have the option to select a three, four, or five year placement of equipment. This program is a great way to keep costs down and utilize the latest and greatest equipment.
Vendor Number | 0000740779 |
Sales Representative | Zach McBride |
zach.mcbride@marconet.com | |
Phone | Cell: 319-296-8481 Sales: 800-892-8548 Service:800-847-3098 |
Contract # | C-28073, RFP 18237 |
Term of Contract | Through 10/7/2029 with 5 optional 1-year renewals |