This page is a one-stop resource for procurement card training. If there are any questions regarding the information on this place please contact for assistance.
A. Required Training for Procurement Cardholders:
All Procurement cardholders are required to complete training before the receipt of their procurement card and every four years thereafter. Information on accessing the training is below:
Course # W00PCT (Procure Card Training no Recon with 3 modules).
Steps to register for an ICON course
- Log into the Self-Service portal: Employee Self Service - Finance and Operations
- Go to My Career (on the left hand-side)
- Under Learning & Development, click on My Training
- Click Enroll in Courses
- Search for the applicable courses by using the course# mentioned above
- Click Enroll in Session then follow the on-screen instruction to complete the course
- Complete the Buyer’s Perspective, Fundamentals, and Travel modules for course# W00PCT (Procure Card Training no Recon)
Please note: If you exit the training course (ICON) before completion, you may re-access the course in self service within the Personal tab, clicking the My Training link and looking under My Courses.
B. Required Training for Reconcilers:
Anyone responsible for reconciling a procurement card charges is required to complete two trainings, Procurement Card Training No Recon and Reconciling a Procurement Card. Reconciliation training every three years. Please note cardholders who are not reconciling their own card, including University Shared Service enabled departments, are not required to take this training. Information on accessing the training is below:
First Required Course:
Course # W00PCT (Procure Card Training no Recon with 3 modules).
Steps to register for an ICON course
- Log into the Self-Service portal: Employee Self Service - Finance and Operations
- Go to My Career (on the left hand-side)
- Under Learning & Development, click on My Training
- Click Enroll in Courses
- Search for the applicable courses by using the course# mentioned above
- Click Enroll in Session then follow the on-screen instruction to complete the course
- Complete the Buyer’s Perspective, Fundamentals, and Travel modules for course# W00PCT (Procure Card Training no Recon)
Please note: If you exit the training course (ICON) before completion, you may re-access the course in self service within the Personal tab, clicking the My Training link and looking under My Courses.
Second Required Course:
Course # W00RPC (Reconciling a Procurement Card with 1 module).
Steps to register for an ICON course
- Log into the Self-Service portal: Employee Self Service - Finance and Operations
- Go to My Career (on the left hand-side)
- Under Learning & Development, click on My Training
- Click Enroll in Courses
- Search for the applicable courses by using the course# mentioned above
- Click Enroll in Session then follow the on-screen instruction to complete the course
- Complete the Buyer’s Perspective, Fundamentals, and Travel modules for course# W00PCT (Procure Card Training no Recon)
- If you are a reconciler, complete the Reconciliation training module from course# W00RPC (Reconciling a Procurement Card)
Please note: If you exit the training course (ICON) before completion, you may re-access the course in self service within the Personal tab, clicking the My Training link and looking under My Courses.
Training documents and other resources:
- Approving Trips in ProTrav
- Approving Procurement Card Vouchers in ProTrav
- Attaching Receipts in ProTrav
- Create a New Trip
- Financial Transaction Control Standards
- ProTrav Upper Level Users Training
- Procurement Card Manual
- Protrav Procurement Card Training
- Protrav Travel Training
- Supervisor Settings in ProTrav