The Purchasing and Accounts Payable Department works together with the Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP) and the Grant Accounting Office (GAO) on the review, approval and processing of Subaward related purchase orders and payments. Click on the link below to view a step by step process flowchart detailing each department’s responsibilities related to outgoing Subaward Agreements for the University of Iowa. This is an interactive Acrobat file. You may click the boxes to take you to the next process.
Subaward Sole Source Justification form
A completed sole source justification (SSJ) form is required on all subaward PReqs over $25,000. Departments have the option of using the sole source justification form attached to the online PReq or the new Subaward Sole Source Justification (SSSJ) form specifically created for the Subaward process. See link below. If the new Subaward Sole Source Justification form is used, the department must scan and attach this completed form to the PReq.
If additional funding is awarded causing the PO total to go over $25,000, a sole source justification form is required before the funding can be applied to an existing purchase order if a SSJ or SSSJ was not submitted with the original PReq.