The University of Iowa has established procedures in accordance with the Board of Regents and the Iowa Code which govern business transactions involving conflict of interest (COI) situations and relationships between employees and vendors.

As an approved conflict of interest vendor for the University of Iowa the following policies apply:

  • Do not begin work or ship goods without a Purchase Order number or a Professional Services Agreement and corresponding Purchase Order, signed by the Chief Procurement Officer, Renee Funk.
  • No payments will be made without an authorized Purchase Order.
  • Purchases to approved COI vendors are not allowed on the University of Iowa Procurement Card (PCard) regardless of dollar amount.  Purchases of goods and services to COI vendors are typically issued on a Purchase Order.
  • All transactions greater than $2,000 are required to be competitively bid before an order can be placed.
    • Note:  In addition, any state official or employee who, as part of private sector employment, sells a good or service to a state agency in excess of $2,000 after public notice and bid, is required to file a form with the Board within 20 days of the sale. More  
  • Competitive bids will be solicited by the University of Iowa department in cases where the university employee/vendor relationship exists regardless of the dollar amount.
  • Contact Purchasing if changes occur in the University of Iowa employee’s status.
  • Discussions, decisions, business transactions, or correspondence involving the University of Iowa employee and the vendor is prohibited. 
  • The University of Iowa is under no obligation to pay for goods/services if these rules have not been followed.