In Universal Workflow select the workflow route based on the MFK Org, department AND sub-department. Then verify this is the right routing based on your knowledge. If it is not, click on the Change Sub Department button it’s that simple.
If a department had routings set up with non-numeric descriptions, you will find them at the very end as you scroll.

TRAVELER AND CARDHOLDER SUPERVISORS APPROVAL – YOU WILL NOT NEED TO SELECT THE SUPERVISOR. SUPERVISOR IS BASED ON THE SUPERVISOR ASSIGNED IN THE HR SYSTEM. Supervisor’s approval can be delegated. The supervisor will need to set up signature delegates under their setting in Universal Workflow. Signature delegates are set up by form type. Type in “ProTrav” and the list of ProTrav forms will be displayed. The delegation is only valid for 364 days.

For more details on universal workflow, please use the HELP in University Workflow – within Self Service.