On October 8, 2018 new enhancements to the ePro/Preq/eVoucher application will be released. Click the PDF link at the bottom of this page for screenshots of the “ePro Application Enhancements”.
- New enhancements will be made to the purchase requisition, eBuy shopping cart, requisitions created from eBuy orders and requisitions created from PeopleSoft item catalog orders.
- A new field titled “Requested by” will be added with HawkID validation. This field will have search and favorite functionality and will allow the requester/initiator to enter the person requesting the purchase order for the goods/services.
- HawkID validation added to the End User field. Please note, any existing End User Favorites that you use will need to be updated with valid HawkIDs.
- HawkID validation added to the Asset Custodian field when 6730, 6731 and 6740 are used in the iact field of the MFK. Please note, any existing Asset Favorites that you use will need to be updated with valid HawkIDs.
- Non-Service Voucher, Services Voucher and Bulk Vouchers.
- A new field titled “Requested by” will be added to the Contact Information with HawkID validation. This field will have search and favorite functionality and will allow the requester/initiator to enter the person requesting the eVoucher payment.
- Definitions for Requested By, Requester/Initiator and End User fields:
- Requested By – The person listed as the “Requested By” is the person requesting the order for the goods/services or payment. This person will be receiving email notifications.
- Requester/Initiator – The person that enters the order and is listed on the purchase.
- End User – The person listed as “End User” is the person where the goods/services will be going to.
- The following search criteria has been added to the Requisition Search Center, Catalog Order Search and Voucher Search Center:
- Requested By
- Email changes:
- The voucher created emails currently go to the Requester from the requisition and this email will now go to the Requested By person listed on the forms. It will no longer be sent to the Requester on the order.
- The PO has been created from Req email currently go to the Buyer, Requester and Initiator on the requisition. This email will now include the Requested By and End User.
- PeopleSoft Catalog orders sourcing to the vendor email currently go to the Requester, Buyer and Initiator on the order. This email will now include the Requested By and End User.
- A new payment email for eVoucher will go to the Contact Name and Requested by people when payment has been made.
- APPO changes:
- The Requested By displays on the PO Report
- The maintain your requester relationships functionality for the Voucher created email process will be disabled. The person designated on the requisition in ePro as “Requested by” will now receive email notification when vouchers are created for your orders. If you are listed as “Requested by” and you need to have you Voucher created email forwarded to someone else you can create a rule in Microsoft Outlook.
- Click the PDF link below to access additional “Voucher Created Email Notification Instructions” to help with this.
ePro Application Enhancements.pdf
Voucher Created Email Notification Instructions.pdf
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions preqs@uiowa.edu.