How much can Purchasing save your department money?
Savings over 10+ years... $25,569,580!!!
Here is a list of savings by department...
Department Name |
Savings |
Administration | $12,137 |
Air Quality | $4,588 |
Ambulatory Care Clinics | $9,816 |
Ambulatory Care Spine Trmt Ctr | $104,709 |
Anatomy & Cell Biology | $6,138 |
Animal Care Unit | $4,645 |
Art & Art History | $22,540 |
Athletics | $2,605,149 |
Atomic Molecular Optical Phy | $1,365 |
Autopsy Service | $4,455 |
Bioinformatics | $420,000 |
Biological Sciences | $348 |
Biology | $2,441 |
Biomedical Engineering | $6,487 |
BO Patient Transportation | $4,896 |
Burge Hall | $4,955 |
Burge Marketplace | $450,000 |
Business Office | $14,531 |
Business Services | $4,884 |
CAD Research | $1,743 |
CAMBUS | $3,058 |
Capital Management | $623,233 |
Cardiology | $1,388 |
Carver Hawkeye Arena | $4,170 |
CEA Administration | $1,260 |
Cent. Elect Microscopy Facility | $7,909 |
Chemical & Bio Chem Eng | $8,764 |
Chemistry | $46,321 |
Chemistry Stores | $2,396 |
Cinema and Comparative Liter | $1,862 |
Civil Environmental Engineering | $660 |
Clinical Cancer Center | $151,832 |
Clinical Research Center | $9,625 |
CM Capital Management | $2,960 |
College of Business | $1,378 |
College of Medicine | $52,273 |
Communication Science Disorder | $5,994 |
Communication Sciences Disorders | $332 |
Communication Tech Svcs | $680 |
Computer Science | $1,800 |
Credit Programs Admin | $14,811 |
Critical Care | $377 |
Customer Education | $26,102 |
DeGowin Blood Center | $10,634 |
Dentistry | $70,000 |
Dermatology | $1,558 |
Design & Construction Services | $248,990 |
DNA Facility | $88,451 |
eBuy | $48,699 |
Education | $3,654 |
Educational Media | $5,999 |
Electrical Computer Engineering | $19,398 |
Engineering Computer Network | $765,547 |
Engineering | $31,204 |
Epidemiology | $750 |
Facilities Management | $1,870,183 |
Fleet Services | $11,626 |
FOH Housekeeping | $27,049 |
Food & Nutrition | $126,698 |
Fraternity Bus Serv | $4,339 |
General Stores | $416,089 |
Guest and Event Services | $1,060 |
Hall of Fame | $4,516 |
Hancher Auditorium | $622 |
HCIS | $26,589 |
HCIS Healthcare Info Sys Admin | $253,945 |
Health Management & Policy | $25,044 |
Hillcrest Marketplace | $2,500 |
Hospital Facilities Capital Mgmt | $12,175 |
Hospital Pharmacy | $386,210 |
Hydroscience | $20,379 |
Hygienic Labs | $150,280 |
Hyperbaric Medicine | $117,696 |
ICTS - Administration | $28,102 |
ICTS EMRB | $7,032 |
IIHR Hydroscience Engineering | $57,803 |
IMU | $8,713 |
Industrial Use Gasses | $1,392 |
Institute for Clinical & Translational Science | $8,552 |
ITS | $585,758 |
ITS EI Physical Infrastructure | $29,144 |
JOPFS | $209,639 |
Journalism & Mass Comm. | $33,192 |
Lakeside Labs | $8,882 |
Laundry Service | $51,000 |
Liberal Arts and Science Admin | $7,080 |
Main Library | $80,699 |
Maintenance Administration | $139,668 |
Material Services | $187,761 |
Medicinal Products | $177,977 |
Medicine Administration | $5,339 |
Microbiology | $15,889 |
NADS & Simulation Center | $385 |
Neurology | $650,000 |
NRS CWS SNU | $58,318 |
Nursing | $273,816 |
Occupational Environ. Health | $37,000 |
Oncology | $65,000 |
Ophthalmology | $6,634 |
Optical Science Tech Center | $2,381 |
Orthopaedic Surgery | $2,452 |
Otolaryngology | $17,373 |
P.E.T. Imaging | $41,400 |
Parking & Transportation | $259,736 |
PATH Microbiology Service | $1,453 |
Pathology | $43,898 |
Patient Financial Services | $41,647 |
Payroll | $89,096 |
Pediatrics | $33,572 |
Pharmaceutical Services | $25,863 |
Pharmacology | $574 |
Physics & Astronomy | $125,234 |
Physiology | $4,221 |
Power Plant | $27,600 |
Preventive Medicine/Environ Hlth | $1,475 |
Printing | $32,564 |
Procurement Services | $47,417 |
Production Unit | $5,277 |
Psychiatry | $25,269 |
Psychology | $8,779 |
Public Health | $15,191 |
Public Policy Center | $9,150 |
Public Safety | $1,284 |
Purchasing | $156,623 |
Radiation Oncology | $37,469 |
Radiology | $1,014,531 |
Recreational Services | $24,485 |
Regents | $937,142 |
Registrar | $433 |
Research Facilities | $325,733 |
Residence Services | $375,853 |
Respiratory Care | $16,633 |
Safety & Security | $1,219 |
Seer Registry | $13,562 |
Shaeffer Hall | $2,331 |
Space Physics | $10,000 |
Stead Technology Service Group | $30,205 |
Student Health Services | $388 |
Student Services | $16,655 |
Surgery | $50,996 |
Technology Innovation Center | $21,300 |
Treasury Operations | $270,717 |
UIHC | $4,519,982 |
UIHC Capital Management | $3,420 |
UIHC Finance and Accounting | $98,440 |
University Housing | $15,912 |
University of Iowa | $4,086,798 |
University Relations | $3,632 |
VARIOUS DEPTS | $321,392 |
Water Plant | $74,733 |
Women’s Studies | $13,144 |
WSUI | $8,439 |
WSUI Administration | $8,944 |
Total |
$25,569,580 |